1985: born in Münster, Germany
since 2010: lives and works in Berlin
2007 - 2012: studied Design with a major in Illustration at FH Münster
2012: Diploma
2014: Seven week artist residency in Sitka, Alaska,
as part of the Sitka Fellows Program
Awards & Honours
2014 Freistil 5 - Published Artist
2015 American Illustration 34 - Chosen Artist
2016 World Illustration Awards (AOI) - Shortlist
2017 Society of Illustrators - Illustrators 59: Exhibit & Book
2017 3X3 Magazine - Merit Award
2018 Society of Illustrators - Illustrators 60: Exhibit & Book
Selected Group Exhibitions
2008 The Pen15 Club Presents | Video Gallery | New York, USA
2009 Secret Service | rotopol | Kassel
2011 Baby Angels With Guns | The Pure Gallery | UK
2011 Super Villain | Rotopol | Kassel
2012 Collagerie | Stew Gallery | Norwich, UK
2012 The Ultimate Desaster Show | rotopol | Kassel
2013 Beautiful Forever | Light Grey Art Lab | Minneapolis, USA
2013 Macro & Micro | Light Grey Art Lab | Minneapolis, USA
2013 You can do it... | Light Grey Art Lab | Minneapolis, USA
2013 Opposites Attract | Chicago Urban Art Society | Chicago, USA
2013 The Circle Show | Urban Spree | Berlin
2013 Station Zero | Light Grey Art Lab | Minneapolis, USA
2013 Don't Wake Daddy VIII | Feinkunst Krüger | Hamburg
2014 The Age Of Collage | Feinkunst Krüger | Hamburg
2014 Opening Exhibition | Improper Walls | Vienna
2014 Welcome To Black Canyon | Melbourne, Australia
2014 Knotenpunkt 14 | Affenfaust Galerie | Hamburg
2014 New Artists Week | Pop Up Art Gallery | Berlin
2014 Collagerie 2014 | Stew Gallery | Norwich, UK
2014 Skate Or Die | Light Grey Art Lab | Minneapolis, USA
2014 Souvenirs | MUNIKAT | Munich
2014 Don't Wake Daddy IX | Feinkunst Krüger | Hamburg
2015 Das eigene Ich | Affenfaust Galerie | Hamburg
2015 Collagistas Festival 2 | TABYA art space | Thessaloniki, Greece
2015 Little Shop Of Horrors | Kult Gallery | Singapore
2015 Knotenpunkt 15 | Affenfaust Galerie | Hamburg
2015 Post-It Show 11 | Giant Robot Gallery | Los Angeles, USA
2015 Don't Wake Daddy X | Feinkunst Krüger | Hamburg
2015 Twenty Artists - One Vision | Herr Beinlich | Bielefeld
2015 Kingbrown Magazine NYC Launch | AIGA | New York, USA
2016 What The Weekend Is Gallery | Urban Spree | Berlin
2016 (im)Proper Illustration | Telsiai Gallery | Lithuania
2016 SOFT | Superchief Gallery | Los Angeles, USA
2016 Mystery Show #3 | rotopol | Kassel
2016 Don't Wake Daddy XI | Feinkunst Krüger | Hamburg
2017 Illustrators 59 Exhibit: Book & Editorial | Society of Illustrators | NYC
2017 What The Weekend Is Gallery 2 | Alte Münze | Berlin
2017 Lightning Bolts & Little Sparks | WOW x WOW | Online Group Show
2017 Collagistas Festival 4 | Stecca 3.0 | Milano
2017 Room of a Thousand Doors | WOW x WOW | Online Group Show
2017 FRUIT | Premarts Gallery | Berlin
2017 Druck machen | Die Schlumper / Affenfaust Galerie | Hamburg
2017 Don't Wake Daddy XII | Feinkunst Krüger | Hamburg
Solo Exhibitions
2009 One With The Freaks | Grossstadtrekorder | Hannover
2009 Mutationen & anderer Unfug | Specops | Münster
2012 VERSUS | rotopol | Kassel
Selected Clients
The New York Times
GQ Magazine
Rolling Stone
Architectural Review
Die Zeit
Mercedes Benz
Hohe Luft
Landyachtz Longboards
Brasserie Dunham
The Stranger
Süddeutsche Zeitung
SZ Magazin
Der Freitag
Financial Times Deutschland
Welt am Sonntag
Psychologie Heute
Copyright: All artwork is copyrighted by Bene Rohlmann, unless otherwise attributed to the respective copyright owner, it is illegal to publish or print any such artwork or text without written permission by the artist or copyright owners.
Haftungsausschluss / Urheberrecht © 2009–2017 Bene Rohlmann. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
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